Monday, June 1, 2009

Straight Talk From a Blogger

I just finished reading "Straight Talk From a Blogger" by Ron Gludt. As a professional blogger, I enjoy reading books about blogging and from fellow bloggers. This is not written as a blog resource guide but rather as a political commentary streamyx software our times. I thought streamyx cable streamyx software was well written, with very well thought out arguments. As the title suggests, there is a lot of strait talk in the offering.

The author uses his platform as a popular blogger to express his views politically. This is the great thing about blogging, it gives you a way to easily get your message out to the masses. The book is very political in nature and dives into topics ranging from war, the recent election and political structures of other countries. Of course, the author offers up his opinions early and often. It does not take the reader long to figure out that this book is heavily leaning to the right. There is heavy criticism of the Democrats and their beliefs.

For me, I felt the book was very informative. I learned more by reading this book than I did in all of my history classes in school. The book is also very entertaining as the author uses his wit and sense of humor to get his point across.

In closing, I recommend this book to everyone who is interested in learning more about the inner workings of our political system. No matter which side of the aisle you are on, you will get something about of this. The book is a quick read and believe me, you will not be bored.

Dan Keller is a pro blogger and runs the popular Blogging Tips blog and also runs a couple of free blog directories

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